Harmonic resonance. Everyone and everything in the universe vibrates at a certain frequency, which we refer to as sound. We are happiest when we’re around people who have very consistent frequencies that match our own. These people are our so called ‘soul tribe’. We resonate with these people and that makes us feel peaceful. Our resonance gives us a feeling of calmness and peace. We are in a space of ‘harmonic resonance‘ with each other. Conversely, when we’re around negative people who are yelling and screaming, or around loud noises, we want to run away because we’re responding to their negativity and dissonance. It isn’t healthy for us to be in these spaces. It impacts on our immune and nervous systems.
All the lower frequency emotions – frustration, doubt, worry, hatred, jealousy, guilt, unworthiness, despair, pessimism, and powerlessness – are distorted sounds that can eventually break down our physical health. Erratic and inconsistent frequencies, such as those from phones, computers, cars, planes, and electricity, can also be distracting and unsettling. It’s important, therefore, to be mindful of just which frequencies we are putting into our bodies and our minds. This starts with the very thoughts that we think. Because thoughts are just frequencies. As Lao Zu said:
“Watch your thoughts, they become your words; watch your words, they become your actions; watch your actions, they become your habits; watch your habits, they become your character; watch your character, it becomes your destiny.”
It follows on from awareness of the above that – (in accordance with the laws of quantum physics) – like attracts like. The more positive our thoughts, the higher our vibration. The higher our vibration, the more joy, love and compassion and other high frequencies we will attract back into our lives. Einstein summed this point up nicely:
“ Everything is energy and that’s all there is to it. Match the frequency of the reality you want and you cannot help but get that reality. It can be no other way. This is not philosophy, this is physics”
So, everything is really just about frequency at the end of the day. Being mindful of just which frequencies we are thinking and surrounding ourselves with is often the first step in changing our awareness. Once we have really started to notice this and explore it, we start to become empowered and take empowered action in our lives. We truly become the magnificent creators of our own stories. And the world really needs us to be conscious of our own stories and individual energy fields. Right now, the world is in a state of dissonance. Politically, environmentally, socially and economically. So we need to do our bit to try and change that. Being aware and responsible for our own energetic fields might seem a small thing but it all adds up in the collective field. So be mindful of the power of being positive, be conscious of the impact of those high frequency thoughts and emotions. For its not just woo woo fluff. It’s science….. We always have a choice: continue to live in dissonance or create a field of constant harmonic resonance…… I know what I will always choose.